Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. you don’t pay until you are satisfied. That’s it. We make sure that our office, crew an you as the homeowner are all on the same page before, during, and after the project. However, if there is ever a miscommunication on our end or the work we perform is not as described in the estimate, we will return to fix it at no extra cost. 

Yes, J&J Enterprises LCD is licensed and bonded with the state of Pennsylvania as a Limited Liability Corporation. We are also insured for liability and property damage up to 1,000,000 per incidence. 

Yes. Everything form weekly mowing to landscaping and in between requires a contract. This is so the home owner knows that to expect. Each contract all the details are laid out so there is no guessing and everyone knows what to expect from each other.  

Estimates that exceed $2,000 total require a 50% down payment prior to starting the work.

You will receive a link via email. The link will take you to your own customer portal where you can view all your estimates, payments,invoices,ect. Invoices under $3,000 can be paid via credit card right from the customer portal or you can securely enter your card information for recurring payment each month.

​All invoices are due within 14 days of job completion. This helps us pay out suppliers and employees on time and keep cost low for you the customer. 

All the team members at J&J Enterprises LCD weather in the office.field. or on delivery must uphold the code of conduct. The Code of Conduct is Biblically-based principles that everyone must adhere to. we have a non-smoking policy and being under the influence on the job is grounds for immediate dismissal.

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